SMART offers a calibration service for our temperature and humidity loggers, providing you with tangible proof that your device is accurate. This is relevant for all users, but is especially important for medical, food and scientific applications, and where audit compliance needs to be demonstrated.
We recommend that you renew your data logger's calibration certificate at least every 12 months. Simply click below to arrange recalibration of your products with a member of our team.
The Medical Control Council (MCC), South African Pharmaceutical Council (SAPC) requirements and Food safety regulations for temperature calibration continue to grow. SMART offers an advanced technical solution to fully support your calibration requirements through our partners Repcal Services. Repcal have the expertise and facilities to fully manage all of your temperature calibration needs. These advanced capabilities mean that they can calibrate a range of -100°C to 1600°C.
About Repcal SERVICES
REPCAL Services is a privately owned, independent repair and calibration company. It was envisaged that a better repair and calibration service could be given to clients that maintain a wide range of Test and Measurement Equipment since there would be no ties with a specific manufacturer. Our field of expertise is in the repair and calibration of all types of Test and Measurement Equipment with an accumulative 60 years experience in temperature measurement and accumulative 80 years experience in Electronic Test and Measurement repair and calibration..
REPCAL Services was formed in 2002 as a privately owned and independent repair and calibration company. It was envisaged that a more reputable repair and calibration service could be given to clients throughout Africa, which needs to maintain a wide range of test and measurement equipment.
REPCALS SANAS accredited laboratories allows them to quickly and accurately repair and calibrate your testing instruments to comply with national and international standards. With servicing plans and automatic recalls we work with you to minimise equipment downtime, while keeping your instruments in accurate, working condition.
REPCAL Services was formed in 2002 as a privately owned and independent repair and calibration company. It was envisaged that a more reputable repair and calibration service could be given to clients throughout Africa, which needs to maintain a wide range of test and measurement equipment.
REPCALS SANAS accredited laboratories allows them to quickly and accurately repair and calibrate your testing instruments to comply with national and international standards. With servicing plans and automatic recalls we work with you to minimise equipment downtime, while keeping your instruments in accurate, working condition.
- Professional calibration of your equipment
- Services performed from a single source
- Additional maintenance, cleaning and adjustment services – depending on your needs
- Guaranteed traceability to your national standards
- Clear presentation of all measured results on the calibration certificate and of the calculated uncertainty of measurement
- Specially trained service technicians stand by you to provide expert technical advice and ensure the best calibration results
We are also able to support a wide range of bespoke calibration requirements, depending on your specific needs. Once calibrated all of your probes will be supplied with a fully traceable SANAS calibration certificate. This certificate shows the points tested and any instrument errors. All calibrated units are supplied with a maximum error of +/-0.5°C which is in-line with the requirements.