Cannabis plants need extremely specific environmental conditions to thrive. Tiny changes in temperature or humidity can impact their potency and growth. For that reason, many growers realise the importance of growing their crops in controlled environments to maintain optimal conditions. But cannabis plants require even more protection. Remote monitoring systems provide an extra line of defense by continuously monitoring your growing facility. They take the guesswork out of the equation and notify you of threats, such as:
- Temperatures fluctuations.
- High/low humidity.
- Power outages.
- Low carbon dioxide
- Air circulation.
- Water flow and consumption.
- Unauthorized access.
- Irrigation and soil moisture.
Monnit takes manufacturing conditions off your mind and puts them on your phone. In the event of an issue, alerts are delivered via email, text, and/or voice call according to thresholds and settings you choose within secure, cloud-based software. Monnit keeps your cannabis as healthy as a flower in full bloom.